LESSON 1: Moses and the burning bush

- Note for Parents an overview of the lesson and Bible passage the lesson will focus on

 Dig In to the Bible

  • Read: Exodus 3:1–4:17

  • In This Passage: Moses is tending his sheep when he sees a strange sight: a bush that’s on fire but not burning up. When he goes to investigate, he hears God speak to him and sees God give clear signs of who he is. Moses’ encounter makes it clear that God is real.

  • Bible Point: God is real.

  • Summary Verse: “O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens” (Psalm 8:1).

Dig Deeper

  • You’ll Be Examining: God is real. While younger kids are likely to believe whatever you tell them about God, older kids often want proof. They’re used to things they can see, touch, or watch on YouTube. Even if they believe God is real, they may struggle with their inability to verify that truth. Use this lesson to help kids experience God.

  • Think About: What evidence have you seen or experienced that shows you God is real?

Dig In to Prayer

  • Ask God to make his presence real in your ministry and to reveal himself to your kids.

Quick Tip

  • Today’s point may bring up some doubts, struggles, and questions—especially among older kids. Make sure your space is a safe place for kids to bring those thoughts. Don’t let anyone feel ashamed for struggling with the fact that God is real, but help by pointing kids to Scripture that can address their doubts

LESSON 1: Opening Music Videos!

Lesson 1: Step # 2
Core Bible Discovery

Supplies: Bible * Paper *Markers *Pencils *Cup of water

Lesson 1: Step #3 Talk about it with your family and play this game!

Bonus FUN!

Craft Activity!


  • red, orange, and yellow crepe paper streamers

  • red, orange, and yellow construction paper

  • glue sticks

  • staplers

  • washable markers

Make Flaming Door Curtains

  • Tear 12 long strips of crepe paper, four of each color. The strips should be long enough to hang in a doorway—at least 6 feet long.

  • Tear one more strip of crepe paper that’s the width of a doorway. Use your classroom door to measure!

  • Staple one end of each long strip to your doorway-width strip so the long strips hang down.

  • If you have time, use markers to add flame shapes to your crepe paper strips, or glue “flame” triangles on.


What would you do if you saw a burning bush like Moses saw?
What would you do if you saw flames in your doorway…but your house wasn’t on fire? God is real, and Moses saw that firsthand when he saw the burning bush. You can hang these curtains in your bedroom doorway so you can walk through the flames every time you enter or exit your room! Whenever you walk through the flames, ask God to show you that he is real



Snake Snag-the-Tail

Form “Snakes” and Play Tag
In today’s Bible story, Moses saw that God is real when God turned his staff, which was like a stick, into a snake and back! Let’s see if you can become snakes—and stay that way.

  • Form groups of three or four, and have group members line up single file.

  • Ask kids to put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. Whoever is first in the line is the Head of the “snake.” Whoever’s last in line is the Tail.

  • Explain the goal of the game is for the Head of a snake to tag the Tail of another snake. Kids can’t let go of the shoulders they’re holding. Tails will do their best to avoid being tagged.

  • When a Tail is tagged, that snake must turn into a staff, which means freezing in place until the leader calls out “Unfreeze!”

  • When a snake is unfrozen, kids will rotate positions, with the Head becoming the Tail and the rest of the kids in the snake moving up one spot.

  • Play several rounds. The more snakes slithering around, the merrier!


Talk About It

            • What strategies helped you stay a snake?

            • If you saw the staff-to-snake miracle, what would you do?

            • What’s one sign you wish God would use to show you he’s real?

In today’s Bible story, God let the staff Moses carried become a real, live snake. God wanted Moses to know God is real—and powerful!