Dig In to the Bible

  • Read: Exodus 40

  • In This Passage: God gives very specific instructions for the Tabernacle, a transportable temple where his holy presence can live among his people. When the Tabernacle is built to specification, God comes and fills the building, hovering over it with a cloud by day and a cloud that glows with fire inside it at night.

  • Bible Point: God is holy.

  • Summary Verse: “O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens” (Psalm 8:1).

Dig Deeper

  • You’ll Be Teaching: God is holy. Holiness is not a concept kids may be very familiar with, and as they explore God’s holiness, it may make them feel like God is distant because he’s so special. In this lesson, we’ve demonstrated that God is holy and we stand in awe of him, but he also made a way to live among his people because he’s our friend.

  • Think About: What does God’s holiness mean to you?

Dig In to Prayer

  • Ask God to fill kids with a sense of awe and wonder at their holy friend.

Quick Tip

  • In a world that’s catered to constant entertainment, you may feel like you have to compete with a loud, flashy environment. That can be fun at times, but times of stillness and reflection can be a powerful contrast to kids’ normal lives. It may be hard to get all of your kids to be quiet, but press on and create a culture where kids have space to hear God and sit in awe of him

LESSON 5: Opening Music Videos!

Lesson 5: Step # 2
Core Bible Discovery

Supplies: Bibles * paper * markers or crayons * blankets and furniture for a fort * bread or crackers

Lesson 5: Step #3 Talk about it with your family!

Bonus FUN!

Craft Activity!

Kids make cloud nightlights


  • 3-ounce disposable cups (1 per child)

  • duct tape

  • cotton balls*

  • glow-in-the-dark fabric paint (not “glow paint” which only glows in ultraviolet light)

Make Glowing Clouds

            Read Exodus 40:36-38. Give each child a cup. Set out the remaining supplies to share, and have kids follow these directions to make glowing clouds.

  • Wrap duct tape around the cup, sticky side out. (It helps to tape a little bit to the cup, then fold the tape back on itself so you can wrap it with the sticky side out.) Older kids will need to do this step for younger kids.

  • Stick cotton balls all over the duct tape.

  • Use glow-in-the-dark fabric paint to decorate your cotton balls. You can drizzle lines that look light lightning or draw actual images.


            When everyone has finished, dim the lights as much as possible so they can see their clouds glow in the dark


Talk About It

  • Why do you think God chose a cloud by day and a glowing fire cloud by night to show his presence?
• Why do you think God doesn’t still show himself like that • What today reminds you of God?

 God is holy, which means he’s so special he’s set apart. But he still wanted to be among his people, so he created a special place where he could live. And he showed he was there with a cloud that glowed at night! When we see things that remind us of God, we can remember that God is holy.




Tabernacle Scramble


  • “Tabernacle” handout (1 per child) (download here)

  • upbeat music* (optional)

  • music player* (optional)


  • If you used the Music Video block, consider repeating the songs from today’s lesson during the game.

Build the Tabernacle

            Make sure kids have their “Tabernacle” handouts from Core Bible Discovery.

            Say: God is holy—and when God told Moses to build a Tabernacle to host his glory, God made sure it was exactly right. Let’s see what a game of Tabernacle Scramble can teach us about God’s holiness!

  • Play this game with your whole group.

  • Briefly remind kids that the Tabernacle was a large tent surrounded by curtains, and it contained the Ark of the Covenant and an altar, washbasin, and lampstand. Kids can refer to their handouts for reference.

  • Explain that, at your signal, kids will use their bodies to create a model of the Tabernacle and as many of the objects in it as possible. When you give the signal again, they’ll run to a different part of the room and do the same thing again—but nobody can be in the same position.

  • Keep the energy up by calling for location changes frequently!

  • If you’d like, play upbeat music as kids play.


Talk About It

            Ask: • What did your group do to imitate the Tabernacle just right?

            Say: God had specific directions for the Tabernacle because he is holy and wanted a special place to live.

            Ask: • Knowing that, what does it mean to you that you are now God’s home?

            Say: God is holy—completely perfect and without sin. And just like he chose to live with his people while they traveled, he chooses to live in those who know him through his Son, Jesus, today. If you know and love Jesus, that’s you!