Dig In to the Bible
Read: Psalm 25
In This Passage: David writes a song praising God. In it, he talks about characteristics of God that sound a lot like a friend! God is trustworthy, gives good advice, loves you, forgives you, helps you make right choices, and helps when you’re in trouble. What an amazing friend!
Bible Point: God is our friend.
Summary Verse: “No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39).
Dig Deeper
You’ll Be Teaching: God is our friend. Friendships are really important to kids, but they can also be quite fickle. The idea of having a friend who always sticks with them will be really meaningful! Use this lesson to reassure kids that when they feel lonely or are fighting with their friends, they always have one friend in their corner: God!
Think About: Consider some of the best friends you’ve had. What can they show you about God’s love for you?
Dig In to Prayer
Pray specifically for any kids in your class who may be struggling with friendships. Ask God to touch their hearts with his love and friendship.
Quick Tip
Watch for the kids in your group who struggle to make friends, including any visitors who aren’t sure who to hang out with. Challenge your outgoing regulars with secret missions to make those kids feel loved and included.
This Lesson at a Glance
LESSON 8: Opening Music Videos!
Lesson 8: Step # 2
Core Bible Discovery
Supplies: Bibles * Paper * Markers or crayons * Extra Clothes
Lesson 8: Step #3 Talk about it with your family!
Bonus FUN!
CRAFT Activity!
Supportive Friend Tubes
transparent tape
stickers Craft Activity!
Make Support Tubes
Give each child a piece of paper.
• What’s the heaviest thing you think this paper can support if you hold an edge of the paper with only one hand?
Have kids try holding one edge of the paper and placing various non-fragile items on it, such as pens, markers, tape dispensers, shoes, and Bibles.
Our papers aren’t very supportive. But I have a way to make them much more supportive—the way a good friend is.
Show kids the sample craft you made. Set out the supplies to share, and have kids follow these directions to make support tubes.
Roll your paper into a tube. (Have preschoolers decorate their papers before they roll them into tubes. They can use markers and stickers.)
Tape it so it stays rolled.
If you know how to write, decorate your tube with the point, “God is our friend,” as well as qualities you found during Core Bible Discovery time that describe God.
You can also add dots, hearts, or other fun doodles to decorate your tube.
When kids have completed their crafts, let them balance items on the tubes. The tubes can support even heavy Bibles without anyone holding the paper, as long as they’re balanced correctly. Older kids can help younger kids with balancing. If it’s too hard for preschoolers, they can also use their tubes as spyglasses and look at their friends in the room.
Talk About It
• Why do you think the paper was such a better support after we rolled it up?
• Tell about a time a friend supported you by helping you, sticking with you, or cheering you up. Share your own story first.
• How has God supported you like a friend? Share your own story first.
God is our friend. Even the most supportive human friends will sometimes let us down, but not God! We can count on God to be our friend through thick and thin.
Try balancing other things on the support tube and show other friends and families how God is a supportive friend.
In It Together
upbeat music (optional)
music player (optional)
If you’re playing on a tile floor, test to be sure the blankets you choose don’t slide around easily.
If you used the Music Video block, consider repeating songs from today’s lesson during the game. You can find the downloadable album here.
Stand on Shrinking Blankets
Say: Today we’re exploring how God is our friend. Let’s see what we can discover about friendship by playing a game of “In It Together.”
Have kids all stand against one wall.
Open one or more blankets on the floor. Make sure there’s space for everyone to stand on a blanket.
When you call out “Go!” kids will have 10 seconds to all find a spot on a blanket. No one can be touching the floor.
If you’d like, play upbeat music as kids play.
Play multiple rounds, having kids return to the wall as you fold blankets to create smaller standing surfaces. In each round, allow more time.
Encourage kids to help one another by huddling close and holding hands so some kids can place one foot on a blanket and lean out over the floor.
Talk About It
Say: Friends work together and help one another—like you just did!
Ask: • How did you help one another in this game?
• How has God helped you in the past?
• In what ways would you like God’s help now?
Say: God is our friend—and one way you can tell is how he’s helped us. That’s what friends do!