
Our ministry is to praise God for what He is and for all He has done for us as individuals and as a church. Our goal is to further our singing technique in order to be the best we can be. We leave it to the Holy Spirit to apply our music, the message of God's Grace through Christ,to the hearts of those that hear it.  Always God's Grace and reconciliation through the blood of Christ. We strive to perform arrangements that have music that amplifies the words rather than just nice musical hooks.

Gospel Guys

We usually meet on Thursday night from 5:00-5:30. During Advent and Lent we alter that schedule.

All singers, male or female are welcome. This is one of our smaller ensembles that perform at one of our contemporary services at 5:30 pm on Saturdays or 8:00 am on Sundays.

Bass Clef Choir

Chancel Choir

We usually meet on Thursday night from 5:30-6:30. During Advent and Lent we alter that schedule.

Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass clef singers are welcome. Performing is based upon having people present for a weekend. Sometimes the Chancel Choir will do both services and other times they do just one service and one of the smaller ensembles cover the other one. We perform two and four part music.

Chancel Choir

Treble Clef Singers

We usually meet on Thursday night from 6:30-7:00. During Advent and Lent we alter that schedule.

All ladies and young unchanged voices singers, male or female are welcome. This is one of our smaller ensembles that perform at one of our contemporary services at 5:30 pm on Saturdays or 8:00 am on Sundays.

Treble Clef Choir

