MTOLC Volunteers for Salvation Army
Salvation Army Bell Ringing is HERE!
Here is everything you need to know!
You can digitally sign up Here:
Why do we do it
The Salvation Army is a wonderful community resource. Not only do they help people financially with utilities and rent or mortgages but they offer many programs to those in need. All money raised in their communities stays in their communities. No money is shipped to a district anything it stays here to support Lake Havasu. They have a food program, they help homeless with shelters or housing, they offer domestic violence programs. There are summer camps for children, clothing drives, school supplies. The list goes on for everything they are actively involved in here in Lake Havasu. More than 80% of every dollar raised goes directly to local programs.
Salvation Army Bell Ringers Important Information:
· Schedules are broken up in to 4 hour patterns, where volunteers can donate as little as a half an hour of time.
· If a 4 hour block doesn’t get filled up we cannot be scheduled to ring at a location because there are limited amount of people picking up the Kettles.
· Breaks and Shift changes
o If you need a break bring the kettle bell and apron inside with you and leave it at the stores service desk for security reasons.
o If you are leaving and someone has not come to take your place bring the kettle apron and bell and leave it inside at the service desk. A list of volunteers will be given to the Store so they know who they are giving the kettle to so don’t forget your I.D. card if you are running late or there is a gap in shift changes for any reason.
o You will be notified of any shift changes or if you will be expecting someone different to ring after you, if someone claims to be taking over a shift and you haven’t been notified by me please call me right away so that I can take necessary steps to fix this issue.
· There are many locations in Lake Havasu that can be chosen to ring at this means if you are the first or last Bell ringer on a shift the pick up time or drop off time may be 15 minutes early or 15 minutes later than you are scheduled for because there are limited people authorized to pick up the Kettles.
· Volunteers only get scheduled at the most profitable places because that means more money is going towards local programs.
· If you have a cell phone please bring it in case of emergency, if you need to leave early, or have any questions. Also so that you can be reached if there are changes in scheduling for the person coming after you. * Special note bring your phone yes but please refrain from unnecessary attention to it while you are ringing
· While Ringing: BE friendly! Wear a smile it’s the best thing you could put on every day! Say Merry Christmas and God Bless, Don’t be afraid to share stories with people about why you are ringing or how you celebrate the Christmas season. Beverly Swanson has a really great song that she sings! Play Christmas music if you like it’s a ton of fun, Dress Christmasy snap a photo and send it to me and at the end of the ringing season we can all vote and I would love to give away a prize for the most Christmas spirit!