Lent Soups

Suppers are a way for us to connect and fellowship as we walk through the season of Lent.

Every Wednesday at 11:30am and 5:15pm from February 21st to March 20th. We gather for a POTLUCK of various soup and bread suppers.

If you would like to sign up for the potluck and share your delicious soup we have sign ups posted in the Narthex. We ask that soups arrive by 11:00am and 4:45pm for set up. If you would like to make soup but don’t have a slow cooker contact our office and we will be happy to supply you with one on loan!

Lent Worships

Join us at 12:15 and 6 pm every Wednesday for our Lent Worship Series on the road back to God. Five weeks: February 21st to March 20th.

Holy Week

Holy week begins on Saturday/Sunday March 23rd / 24th

March 24th

Palm Saturday

5 pm Traditional Worship

Palm Sunday

8 am Traditional Worship

10am Praise Worship

Maundy Thursday March 28th

The Last Supper brought to life 7:00 pm March 28th Maundy Thursday A Dramatic Reading “The Living Last Supper” recreates the iconic Renaissance mural in real life. The scene takes place after Jesus has told them that he will be betrayed that night. Each disciple will describe their journey with Christ and ask “Lord, is it I?”

Good Friday March 29th

In the Sanctuary at 6 pm

Good Friday The passion story will be read in sections, with multiple hymns, choral music and either, a solo or duet. Candles will be extinguished in series and all will leave the sanctuary in silence. A walk to the crosses on the olive hill is optional.

We welcome you to join our other live and streaming worships, as well as listen to our service on Sundays at 9am on 91.1 KNLB & check out our podcasts on apple and Spotify. At Mount Olive Lutheran Church, we're committed to Welcoming All, Growing in Christ, and Sharing Gods Love.

Vigil March 30th

Easter Vigil in the Sanctuary beginning at 5 pm. There will be hymns, multiple scripture readings, with the sermon being given by Pastor Craig Corbin. The altar will be restored / redressed and Holy Communion will be celebrated.

March 31st EASTER Sunrise Service

Sunrise Service with Pastor Craig Corbin & Bryant Christenson for the Traditional 6:30 am Easter Sunrise Worship Service. We welcome you to join our other live and streaming worships, as well as listen to our service on Sundays at 9am on 91.1 KNLB & check out our podcasts on apple and Spotify. At Mount Olive Lutheran Church, we're committed to Welcoming All, Growing in Christ, and Sharing Gods Love.

Easter Egg Hunt

All the community is welcome to celebrate the joy in searching for treasure this Easter! Nothing is sweeter that the love of God, but chocolate is a nice reminder of the sweetness the Gospel brings to all our lives! 11:15 am meeting at the altar rail.

Pancake Breakfast

Easter Pancake Breakfast 7am-10am! MOLC Council, Outreach, and Youth are teaming up to bring the pancake breakfast to Easter Celebrations this year! The free will offering will go towards our Outreach group to help provide assistance to community programs!

Easter Worship Services

Easter Sunrise Service in the back parking lot of the old church will take place at 6:30 am on Easter Sunday Morning March 31st.

We welcome you to join our other live and streaming worships, as well as listen to our service on Sundays at 9am on 91.1 KNLB & check out our podcasts on apple and Spotify. At Mount Olive Lutheran Church, we're committed to Welcoming All, Growing in Christ, and Sharing Gods Love.

Live Streaming Sunday Traditional Service 8:00am
Live Streaming Praise Band Service at 10am

In Person Worship:

Traditional Worship Service Easter Sunday 8am
Contemporary Praise Service Easter Sunday 10 am