February 6th 8am-2pm
February 7th 8am-2pm
February 9th 8am-Noon 50% off!
What is a White Burro Sale??
It's our ANNUAL multi-family rummage sale! All items are donated, organized, and sold 'rummage style'. All of our members and community have items they no longer use, want, or have room for. Maybe your children have out grown those clothes or toys. Have you out grown toys or hobbies and have items you’d like to donate? We’ll take them! We spend three full days accepting sorting and sharing donations. Volunteers from all over come out to assist as we prepare for our sale.
What do you do with the donations?
Each year we select a local organization to receive any profits raised. We have donated to several local charities over the years and there are too many to count! When we have items that have been left over from our sale we donate them to other organizations like Faith and Grace, Hospice of Havasu, St. Vincent DePaul, The Veterans Thrift Store, and more. Serving our community it our priority and with out your donations and support we couldn’t reach out to those in need.
This year: Proceeds from the sale will be disbursed to Havasu Community Health Foundation (HCHF) and any remaining items will be donated to local charities.
How can you help?
Start gathering your gently used items for the big sale! We are accepting: household kitchen items, decorations, clothing, jewelry, toys, games, etc. Please NO electronics or exercise equipment. We struggle to find homes for these items.
Donations are accepted Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday February 3rd 4th & 5th between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm by drop off only.
If you would like to volunteer call us at (928)855-2299 or email