Mid-Month Newsletter


Latest News From MTOLC


Welcome to this month’s edition of our Mid-month newsletter. With so many events and activities going on, we want to be sure you don’t miss a thing! Click on any links and images to find more information about what is coming up.

Please make time to attend your monthly Church Council meetings, there is always a lot to discuss, and we need you to get involved. Let your voice and choice be heard for the future of Mount Olive!


Special Notices


Lent Soup Suppers February 21st to March 20th @ 11:30 and 5:15pm.
Lent Worship Services February 21st to March 20th @ 12:15 and 6 pm.
Holy Week Schedule- Follow the Link.
Crafternoons are back Thursdays from 1-4 pm in the Parish Hall.
CANDY! We need candy and plastic egg donations before March 21st.
❖ Fellowship International Potluck March 17th @ 11:30 am in the Café.
Youth Worship Sunday March 17th at the10 am hour.


Please visit our website and view our newest page for CURRENT NEWS! You can find the latest important information and updates!


❖ Christian Education is STILL seeking a new chairperson. Christian Education supports adult bible studies, book studies, men’s and women's groups, family education, programs for parents, and education for youth and young children, all aspect of Christian education in all stages of life. We need your support and leadership skills. Please consider your abilities and talents to lead this ministry.


Regular Events


Prayer Shawl meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of EVERY month year-round @ 10 am in the Fireside room.
Outreach meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday @ 6 pm in the library.
Family Fellowship meets monthly on the 2nd Monday @ 3pm in the library.
Council meets on monthly on the 3rd Tuesday @ 7 pm in the Lakeview room.
Youth Band is meeting weekly on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30pm.
Sunday School meeting weekly on Sundays @ 10:15 am.
Bible Study is on Break until after Lent, stay tuned for updates.
Confirmation is meeting Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm in the Parish Hall.
Youth Worship Service welcomes everyone the 3rd Sunday monthly
MOLC Quilters meet weekly on Thursdays @ 8:30 am in the Parish Hall
Vocal Choirs Gospel Guys, Chancel Choir, & Treble Clef begin rehearsals on Thursdays at 5:30 pm
Men’s Fellowship meets Tuesdays @ 9 am in the library.
Worship Board meets the 2nd Tuesday monthly @ 5:30 pm in the Café.
Echoes of Light Praise Band meets Saturdays @ 10 am in the Sanctuary for rehearsal.
Woodshop meets on Mondays and Thursdays weekly starting at 1 pm

We appreciate every member and are grateful for your time and support.

Visit our Event page

Our youth & family ministries are in full swing and Fellowship is planning some amazing activities. Please follow the links to stay in touch with all our events

How can I give

We would like to offer a friendly reminder that MOLC offers e-giving options to support our missions & ministry. It is vitally important to keep on track to remain a positive influence in our community, every little bit helps everyone

Other Events and Upcoming Activities

Bible Studies, Calendar, and Special Services